
This website is our attempt to dispel the myth that the recommended diet mentioned in Timothy Ferris’ book, the 4 Hour Body, is boring.  There are a million yummy things you can do with all the ingredients and our goal is to provide a diverse list of recipes from which to choose.

We do a ton of entertaining and experimenting with recipes.  Our parties are notorious, sometimes even for the food. We’ve spent most of our time in California working with some of the best available, in season, and organic ingredients. We try to use organic whenever possible, but it’s totally up to you.

Eric is a total technology geek so our kitchen is stocked with just about every gadget you can think of.  If you don’t have the item or ingredient in your kitchen and we don’t give you an alternative in the recipe, just ask.  If we don’t know, we’ll hunt it down for you. We are both total foodies who love to share.  But that being said, this is a passion project for us, so it may take a couple of days to get back to you.

Many of the links on this site are affiliate links and are marked as such with an (AF).  Which means that if you click on it and buy something we’ll make like a dime or something.  And if you buy a couple of things, we’ll be able to buy you a glass of champagne. We’ll probably buy you a glass anywhere. Like I said, we like to share.

We are going to try Timothy Ferris’ recommended eating plan in his new book the 4 Hour Body (af) and chronicle our success with it.

Please join us in our journey and hope that you will share your success, trials and tribulations.


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5 Responses to Welcome!

  1. Eleanor

    thanks for starting this blog guys. Clearly you are spending more time cooking than writing, but I hope it starts getting some action!

    • TheCosmonaut

      Hehe — guilty as charged! We’ve actually got some great recipes coming together: a fantastic 4HB-friendly slow-cooked meatloaf and a seared tuna with mustard beans and pancetta, to name a couple. Can’t wait to get them out there for you to try!

  2. Baccara

    try adding some cinnamon and a packet of stevia to the mix for a really yummy treat !

  3. Yoli920

    I’m allergic to eggs, fish and I can’t eat dairy. Also don’t like bacon or sauages. Any suggestions for something to eat in the morning?

  4. Debra G Herring

    I don’t know if this site is still active but I am eager to try this new eating plan.

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