Black Bean and Scallion Pancake with Eggs and Smoked Salmon

Black Bean and Scallion Pancake with Eggs and Smoked Salmon

By March 31, 2013

For me, the hardest thing to give up in the slow-carb diet is bread (well, bread and pasta!). This is a slow carb breakfast that I make whenever I'm having that bread craving: the bean pancake is rich, filling, and totally fills the "bread void" for me. I'm good for the rest of the day!

  • Yield : 2 servings



Put the beans in a bowl and cover in water. Soak overnight (be sure to pick a bowl that won't stain 🙂 ).

When ready to prepare, blend black beans and green onions in a food processor or immersion blender until they form a paste. Add about 1 tsp. salt and 1 egg. Continue to blend until well mixed. Finally add chicken broth and blend. By now it should be more of a batter than a coarse paste.

Add 2 tbs. oil to skillet and heat over medium-high heat until it shimmers. Put half of the batter into the skillet, forming a large pancake. Make sure it's even and not too thick. Cook until browned, then flip and finish cooking (about 2-3 minutes per side). Place pancake on a plate, add remaining oil to skillet, and repeat process with the rest of the batter.

Divide the smoked salmon in two and layer each half on each of the pancakes.

Add 2 eggs to skillet. Salt and pepper them to taste. Cook until the bottom of the white is set (the top of the egg white will not be fully cooked but it should look about halfway cooked through). Add about a teaspoon of water to the skillet and immediately cover with a lid. Steam cook for about a minute and remove - the egg should look just cooked. Remove eggs and top them on one of the pancakes. Repeat the process with the final two eggs.

Sprinkle dill over eggs and serve immediately.

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16 Responses to Black Bean and Scallion Pancake with Eggs and Smoked Salmon

  1. Dianna

    Has anyone tried this recipe with canned black beans? I don’t have access to dry beans. 🙁


    • Eric Oliver

      Canned black beans are totally fine — they speed up the process big-time. Be sure to come back and rate the recipe once you’ve tried it out!

  2. Dianna

    Not only do I not have access to dry black beans (which in fact turned out to not be a problem) but I also do not have a blender /food processor. That being said, this is now my new favorite meals.

    Changes I made:
    Heat canned black beans until soft and then mash with a potato masher. Add other ingredients and continue to mash. Add 1 extra egg to hold together due to chunky texture. Other than that I followed the recipe as written. Although I did add a dash of cajun seasoning and am strongly considering capers for the next round.

    Just FYI, I made all the pancakes on Sunday night to have them ready for breakfast each morning. This way I only had to worry about cooking the eggs.

    • Eric Oliver

      @Dianna That’s awesome! Thanks so much for posting your revisions. The extra egg adds some nice additional protein too — added bonus! And really great point about playing with the seasonings. Capers are a great idea. If you’re feeling insanely decadent, caviar is an amazing addition too (but that certainly puts it out of the “daily breakfast” realm 😀 ). In season, adding some sliced tomatoes under the salmon is a nice addition. And fans of onion would like some thinly sliced raw red onion added too. Dress it up and share your findings!!

  3. Vicky

    Hi guys, just an FYI that if you buy a pot (i have a casserole dish with tight lid) you can put your dry beans in the oven for about 90-110 mins and it means you don’t have to soak them overnight. No gas! Amazing. Only discovered it the other day so you might already know

    • Eric Oliver

      Awesome tip! Thanks so much!!

  4. Carolyn

    I am so going to try this – I have been having 2 sunny side ups over just plain ol’ beans but I like the idea of a pancake, AND doing them ahead. I also just bought some amazing, AMAZING smoked salmon from Costco and was looking for ways to eat it, and that is how I ended up here. 🙂

  5. Alissa

    Hi, have you been able to find any smoked salmon that does not use sugar or is the sugar used to cure the salmon insignificant for the 4HB?

    This would make this diet so much easier for me, as I was avoiding smoked salmon because of the sugar used in curing 🙂


  6. Alissa

    Hi, I was just wondering if you were able to find smoked salmon that had not been cured in sugar? I have been avoiding smoked salmon on 4HB because I thought the sugar used for curing might be an issue, or is the amount not a problem?

    • Alissa

      Oops this was a duplicate comment. Please disregard, thanks!

  7. Lyndy

    OMG!!! Who invented this??? These are absolutely amazing!!!!

    • Eric Oliver

      Thank you so much!! Carin and I came up with this one together. We keep looking for ways to make bean cakes work 🙂

  8. Barb Cramer

    Has anyone tried these with white beans?

    • Eric Oliver

      I haven’t yet, but I’d imagine that it’d be fine!

  9. Barb Cramer

    Eric I just tried these with cooked white beans and they didnt hold together. In your original recipe do you cook the beans or only use soaked beans?

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